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Systems Integration

From simple installations to highly sophisticated operations, our systems maximize traffic flow and provide high-level patron services while minimizing tolling authority risk and capital expenditures.

With a widespread reach, our solutions range from toll lanes to hosted computer systems and extend to customer service centers and violation processing.

These solutions have consistently been proven highly reliable and accurate in the most demanding toll environments, such as open road tolling.

We provide highly skilled and experienced teams to organize, schedule, and integrate all individual elements of a project. As a result, we proudly serve as the systems integrator for some of the largest toll collection authorities in the United States.

We employ a unique collaborative approach to toll systems integration. Unlike the solutions offered by other toll integrators, we encourage user interaction throughout its design, development, and testing process. In fact, consistent and frequent user interaction is one of the most highly desired elements of every ETC project, affording our clients and consultants the ability to mitigate the risks associated with aggressively short timelines or large-scale development and integration projects.